
This scene from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is a climactic scene in the film. It is the scene where Jack Torrence reveals his violent mental state to Wendy and threatens to kill her. Upon researching this scene I have learnt that it was shot 127 times and that one of the first uses of the now commonly used steadicam was in this film and this scene. I have chosen references that I would use to describe some of the camera and lighting, sound, set design and mise en scene symbolism in the scene if I was to explain how I wanted to create the scene to others. The first part includes some references with notes I might write highlighting the parts I am referring to. The second part is my analysis as myself talking about why I would have chosen those references and how I think they relate.

punch drunk love - lens flareSilhouette

Punch Drunk Love

Use of lighting – blowing out windows and letting the light flare. Light made to look quite natural. Lots of back light and light coming from behind. Purposely frame character inside windows.

The Piano - Haze

The Piano – Jane Campion

Hazy effect to lower contrast and spread light into the room. A kind of dusty milky look.

no country for old men blue

No Country for Old Men

Colour palette and having blue light and tungsten light at the same time and characters moving between them.

Hotel Lounge

Ahwahnee Hotel lounge

The look and design of the set – Candle or candle look-alike Chandeliers. A large room with huge windows. Very much referencing Georgian design. Time of day is early evening so light will be coming from outside but lights also on inside.

Georgian Carpet

A Georgian carpet design to have dotted throughout the hotel.


A staircase like this one carpeted only in the middle of the stairs. Wooden hand rail. White walls for the whole room to make it feel more open. Two entry’s and two exists.

Pulp Fiction

Camera movement.
The use of a slow steadicam shot which moves along tracking backwards with the actor advancing on the camera. A very slow shot like this one to cover the whole scene.


The Madonna in Majesty (Maesta) – Cimabue

Use of the Halo to symbolize holiness & innocene of Wendy.


The Counterattack of Michelotto da Cotignola at the Battle of San Romano – Musée du Louvre

Symbolism from renaissance art – the use of halos, crowns and head pieces. Subtle background and using everything within the frame to tell the story.

Sound track – Fast tumbling music or scratchy violin sounding music with very fast moving insect-like sounds over the top. Fear.

Voice reference for first part of the scene when we see Danny and the blood. Alien-like representing his state of mind and possession.


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